Saturday, April 4, 2009

My studio - (built for me)

This is my studio being built, i thought it was never going to finish, but it slowly finished . Here is a few photos on how lucky i am , i think im the luckiest girl in the world, hubby so good to me.......
I even got a heater/cooler so I'm comfortable what ever the weather this is what it looks like outside , its not painted yet but that can come later I better not winge about that yet.

1 comment:

  1. wow your husband must love you lydia!!! How exciting for you to have your very own studio. I just recently got my own stamping room and i LOVE it. My husband is Angela Dickins brother, or Ange is my sister-in-law any way you look at it.
    Just joined the demonstrator ranks!! I am sooooo excited. First workshop is in June. yay!!
    Come visit my blog!
